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- Coaching
- Executive Coaching
- Team Coaching
- Leadership Development
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Emotional Intelligence
Mind Partners is inspired in daily work by J.W Goethe: “Whatever we can do or dream of doing, we begin to do it. Boldness contains genius, magic and strength”. It paraphrases well the style of our approach. Mind Partners believe that leadership is a set of behaviours used to help people align their collective direction (using thanks to Roche Martin Emotional, Social and Collective Intelligence knowledge and critical, systematic thinking), to execute strategic plans, and to continually renew an organization.
To achieve this goal Mind Partners use: 1) transformational mentoring that catalyze change at the individual level as well as at the level of the entire organisation; 2) Strategic Foresight -a set of tools, processes, and mindsets for anticipating the future and making decisions under conditions of uncertainty; 3) Organisation and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC™) an innovative and powerful coaching model based on Relationship Systems Intelligence (RSI™). A ‘relationship system’ refers to any interdependent group of people, sharing a common identity or function; 4) knowledge acquired at OXFORD UNIVERSITY and HAUTE ECOLE DE COMMERCE (Mastère Spécialisé); 5) train Leaders to become Mentors at the Open Mentoring Academy organised together with Professor David Clutterbuck Partnership.
Mind Partners main Clients: Abbvie, Astra Zeneca, Air Product, BRE Bank, CJ International, Deloitte, GSK, HP, Ikea, Johnson&Johnson, Maersk, Microsoft, Oracle, Orange, Oriflame, Pepsi, Philip Morris, Raben Poland, Raiffeisen Bank, Saint-Gobain, Sanofi Aventis, Shell, Siemens, 3M, TEVA Pharmaceuticals, Unilever, UPC.
Emotional Intelligence
We work with the Relationship System to help Client understand: 1/ oneself, (EQ- pioneered by Roche Martin): to use emotions in a productive way; to increase the capacity to leverage feelings by channeling them toward goals; 2/ teams’ to catalyse the capacity to move beyond the personal to a powerfully generative team identity.
Cross-cultural coaching to meet the need of increasing movements, exchange between people, businesses around the globe. Executive Team coaching to unleash the productivity performance of teams. Transformational coaching to move from a performance-focused approach to explore Client’s cognitive, emotional and relational patterns to create a more complete understanding of their perspectives on the world.
Executive Coaching
My goal is to help Leaders unleash their impressive potential with themselves, their teams through secure based transformational leadership; to invite them deliver the change empower others, inspire the focus that create conditions for innovation. Let’s care to dare!
Team Coaching
I follow the Hawkins approach. High performing teams are strong in five disciplines: 1. A clear purpose, success criteria. (task/external focus). 2. Constantly reviewing and co-creating (process/internal focus). 3. Engaging with stakeholders effectively (process/external focus). 4. Reflect on its own performance and process, constantly learning both as a collective and as individuals.
Leadership Development
I follow the Margaret Wheatley approach: leading in uncertain times is not a Threat.:It is Creative and Powerful! The challenge for is not only to discover how to lead toward some predictable goal, but toward a greater capacity to handle unpredictability, and with it, a greater capacity to love and care about other people.
Diversity and Inclusion
The scope: working with culture: adapting to differences, integrating and leveraging them; defining power and responsability ; looking at identities and purpose, organisational arrangements, identifying notions of Territory and Boundaries, communication patterns, modes of thinking.